Entries by DescubreGroup

DescubreGroup joins the Paperless movement

The paperless culture is nowadays a global movement and Descubregroup joins it by betting on a double impact, on the one hand, it creates new communication solutions and on the other hand it supports the current ecological commitment. This change management generates double positive effects, corporate awareness and a more sustainable company. The paperless movement […]

Descubre Group, chosen by BP to manage the audiovisual communication of its service stations in the Canary Islands.

The Canary Islands-based company specialises in corporate channels, a growing medium that increases sales and improves brand communication. Descubre Group, a pioneer in corporate digital channels, has been chosen by BP to create and manage the audiovisual communications of its service stations in the Canary Islands. The company, of Canary Island origin, remotely manages the […]

New application of our dynamic content: this time on touch screens in a visitor centre in the Canary Islands.

New application of our dynamic content: this time on touch screens in a visitor centre in the Canary Islands. The Santiago del Teide Visitor Centre, linked to the Chinyero Special Nature Reserve, was inaugurated in February 2015. It houses a vulcanological and rural interpretation centre of Tenerife, with special emphasis on the Chinyero volcano, the […]

The Canary Islands company Descubre Group participates in Intelitur and consolidates in Madrid and Barcelona with its corporate channels at the point of sale

It is one of the SMEs participating in the Centre for Knowledge, Intelligence and Innovation in Tourism (Intelitur), promoted by the Chambers of Commerce, a programme to support technological innovation in Canary Islands companies. Descubre Group consolidates in Madrid and Barcelona with its corporate TV channels at the point of sale. It already manages the […]

Descubre Group creates a corporate channel to inform citizens in the offices of the Cabildo of Tenerife

With news and information of interest, it facilitates communication with citizens while they are waiting to be attended to. The Canary Islands-based company Descubre Group, which specializes in the creation of corporate digital content, has created an audiovisual channel for the Cabildo de Tenerife for use in the Registry and Citizen Service Offices that the […]